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Contributions to books
- New introduction to “The Unlit Lamp” by Radclyffe Hall 1981 (Virago)
- “Study War No More” in The CND Story London: Allison & Busby, 1983
- “Taking it Personally” in Peace Moves: Nuclear Protest in the 1980s London: Chatto & Windus 1984
- “The Cohabitation Rule: Why It Makes Sense” in Women and Social Policy. London: Macmillan, 1985. First published in Women’s Studies International Quarterly 1979
- Interview with Marjorie Barnard in Writing Lives – Conversations between Women Writers London: Virago, 1988
- “Teaching Creative Writing” in Dialogue and Difference: English into the Nineties,edited by Peter Brooker and Peter Humm. London: Routledge, 1989
- “1984 Came And Went” in The Road From George Orwell: His achievement and Legacy edited by Alberto Lazaro. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang AG, 2001
- “On Not Writing” in Engendering Realism and Postmodernism: Contemporary Women Writers in Britain edited Beate Numeier. Amsterdam and New York: Editions Rodopi, 2001
- “Saying What We Want: Women’s Liberation and the Seven Demands” in The Feminist Seventies. York, Raw Nerve Books, 2003
- New introduction to “This Bed Thy Centre” by Pamela Hansford Johnson 2012 (Five Leaves). Read the introduction here.
- A more detailed exploration of this novel, and its origins in the Clapham Common area of London, appears in London Fictions, edited by Andrew Whitehead and Jerry White. Click on the image for more information.
- London Fictions is reviewed here.

- Study War No More – Military Research in British Universities (CND, 1974)
- Women’s Studies in British Universities (editor) (The London Seminars, 1977)
- No Place to Grow Up (with Jim Wintour) (Shelter, 1977)
- Saying What We Want: Women’s Demands in the Feminist Seventies and Now (with Helen Graham, Ali Neilson, Emma Robertson and Ann Kaloski). Raw Nerve, 2002
- This pamphlet looks at the Women’s Liberation Movement of the 1970s, and the Seven Demands upon which British feminists – for a while – agreed. To read Saying What We Want
- Feminism Before the First Wave (Five Leaves, 2022)