Bus Ticket
Short stories sometimes have long lives. One of my shortest, Bus Ticket, was written in 1974 and published in 1978. It was republished in 2003 as part of a longer story, Bus Ticket Revisited.
It has now been revisited again.
Click here to read Bus Ticket Revisited Revisited.
Short story collection
How Do You Pronounce Nulliparous?
These stories, set mainly in London and its more-or-less fashionable suburbs, occupy the spaces between words and actions, beliefs and realities. A 40-year-old woman who has never had children and never wanted to, revisits her decision. A little girl wonders why she attends a school run by a religion that neither she nor her parents belong to. 50-something lefties discover things that they might have preferred not to know about their pensions. A woman goes to meet her partner’s new love, and tries to be friendly.
Published by Five Leaves Publications.
Available from the publishers, from bookshops and libraries, or through this link to Amazon.co.uk

Other short stories by Zoë Fairbairns
- “Spies for Peace” in Voices from Arts for Labour (Pluto Press)
- “Lots of Love”, “Mrs Morris Changes Lanes” and “I was a Teenage Novelist” in More Tales I Tell My Mother (Journeyman)
- “Relics” in Despatches from the Frontiers of the Female Mind (Women’s Press)
- “Covetousness” in The Seven Deadly Sins (Serpent’s Tail)
- “Mrs Morris Changes Lanes” in Finding Courage (Crossing Press)
- “Fortitude” in The Seven Cardinal Virtues (Serpent’s Tail)
- “Relics” in The Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women (Penguin)
- “The de Montfort Essay Cup” in The Man Who Loved Presents (Women’s Press)
- “Neck and Neck” in Serious Hysterics (Serpent’s Tail)
- “One of the Family”, my short story dramatised by John Petherbridge, broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Click here for an interview.
- “By The Light of the Silvery Moon” in By The Light Of The Silvery Moon (Virago)
- “The Rules” broadcast on BBC Radio 4
- “Stop The City” broadcast on BBC Radio 4
- “Bus Ticket” in Short Stories for the English Class (Les Cahiers Pedagogiques de L’AIRDIL)
- “Boot Camp” in Quality Women’s Fiction 50
- “Pink Mist” in Tales of Psychotherapy (Karnac Books)
- “Daffodil Dell” broadcast on BBC Radio 4
- “Decisions” in The Yellow Room
- “Bus Ticket Revisited” in Mechanics’ Institute Review and here
- “North & South” at Smoke, a London Peculiar
- “Loop” at Tube Flash
- “Transubstantiation” at Tube Flash
- “The Girls’ Tea Rota” in Nutshell 4